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Wednesday 11 May 2011

Smart kids who know they are smarter than you and speak 2 or 3 languages and likes to prove it are phony baloney.

Just cause you know how to spell the word special without having to think about it, doesn't mean that you are special. I guess spelling it in the three languages you know might make you special. But, don't be all like " you can't speak Mandarin? I thought you were Asian." By the way the kid that said this was French Canadian and learning Mandarin. Any way stop acting like you need to impress adults with your vocabulary and use of three different languages. Go and play ball with the other kids you know you want to and will have more fun doing that. You know you just want to play and scream for no reason and watch cartoons. So go ahead do it be a kid I will respect you more if you were a smart kid rather than a smart phony adult wanna be.


  1. Kammer,普通话是有史以来最酷的语言。我很特别

  2. Wrong! It's not a question of impressing your peers and elders (or adult dictators) it is merely a question of interest. The Kid is not performing for anyone. They, if anything, are doing it for self-esteem, something to cling on to and make there own. In my opinion I think its quite beneficial. it also sets you up for life.
    Edward ApIvor
