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Friday 20 May 2011

Slow walkers

Slow walkers

Now I am not talking about people who have lived a long life and deserve to get I.n your way. I am talking about well abled young fit people who are taking their time at a gingerly pace. Have they no where to be? Is it so hard to put left foot right foot in a fluid motion?
I hate it when I need a place to be and there is a couple who are having a walk conversation and just laughing what seems to be at me because they know that they are in my way. Like honey let's slow this guy down. That's so great babe and lets stare at each other and laugh oooohhahahaha love you babe!

Even that one y who is also in a hurry but doesn't know how to choose a side of the street to walk on. Like he is In such a hurray and doesn't see you and you do. That awkward get of of my way dance. And you both look at each other like oops your in my way. I'll get out of your way oops your in my way again. Hehe sorry. JUST MOVE,

Hurry the eff up and get out of my way.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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