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Tuesday 14 June 2011

Air Canada!

I feel really bad for those who are traveling with Air Canada and even worse for those who are on the phone on hold with customer service. Customer service?  I think a group of people who are working for a company that is already in the hole shouldn't ask for more money unless they can help produce better service thus making their brand more attractive and more money.

The service on most Air Canada flights are not even comparable to the service on other airlines.

With that said I love Air Canada!!! 85 percent of the reason I love it so much is because I love Canada and you know you are coming back home when you are on a flight leaving some where abroad and the lady that is serving you has hockey hair and a raspy smokers voice. Yes, I will give you 5 Canadian dollars to use the headset!

Sarah Jessica Parker is Sarah Jessica Phony

 This lady has one role and one role ever and is making a career out of it. Not only is she phony baloney, but fans that say that she is their favorite actress are ultra phony. The woman may get paid to act but she is a one trick pony (not much of an actress). Speaking of which if you google her the website appears close to the top. Someone else said it so I dont have to.

On another note if I have to watch a movie about an upper middle class person getting paid really well but struggling to be happy I will comment about that movie on this blog. lol but I will still watch.

Friday 20 May 2011

The Winnipeg jets

Thrasher Jets

I was going to blog about how the jets and the NHL dream in Winnipeg was phony baloney BUT we did it!

Some times dreams do come true!

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Slow walkers

Slow walkers

Now I am not talking about people who have lived a long life and deserve to get I.n your way. I am talking about well abled young fit people who are taking their time at a gingerly pace. Have they no where to be? Is it so hard to put left foot right foot in a fluid motion?
I hate it when I need a place to be and there is a couple who are having a walk conversation and just laughing what seems to be at me because they know that they are in my way. Like honey let's slow this guy down. That's so great babe and lets stare at each other and laugh oooohhahahaha love you babe!

Even that one y who is also in a hurry but doesn't know how to choose a side of the street to walk on. Like he is In such a hurray and doesn't see you and you do. That awkward get of of my way dance. And you both look at each other like oops your in my way. I'll get out of your way oops your in my way again. Hehe sorry. JUST MOVE,

Hurry the eff up and get out of my way.

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Dora the Explora asking for directions


Dora the explora asking my nephew for directions is pretty baloney.

The girl is travelleing with a map that talks. That map is probably one of the things that could happen. It's like a toy version of google maps. But better because they are like genuinely friends. Like how awesome would it be to have coffe with your GPS system an no one ask any questions.

Can you imagine getting set up on a date with the on star lady. I mean you would need to care about where to go because she would know exactly where everything is which neighborhood you live in. If you were to be like surprise me she would because she knows where you have been and what you like. If you ever let your keys in your car you know shes there for you!

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Arnold's affairs a surprise is phony baloney!


People should just have seen that one coming. Here's the scandal the govonator has had affairs outside his marriage and has apparently had an illegitimate 10 year old son with an ex employee of his.

There is a reason why I am not surprised. First he's mr And arent most Europeans known for their Audultous affairs. Its not as taboo as it is here. I mean you know a few people from north America who go on their euro vacation and they Come back talking about how easy it was to bring someone back to their hostel. What they don't tell you was that the person they brought back was slimy and greasy or hairy(male or female). now there is something about Europe that has sex in the air. Because it's either the north Americans loose their inhibitions or the people are just simply really easy.

Now poor Maria Shriver. She must have known that she was being cheated on. She just dealt with it like a true Kennedy woman. She must have went to one of hr uncles and said " Arnold is cheating on me" and all of sudden uncle Kennedy gets all hot and put on the spot. That's when auntie Kennedy says "are you effing kidding me.. Your first husband should be cheating on you"

Well now all of arnolds skeletons are out of the closet. We Maria just moved out Arnold could keep her in the closet for too long she would have cut her self out with that chin.

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